Second Lieutenant George Frederick Dobbin

Regiment: 6th Batt. Royal Irish Fusiliers
Panel reference: Panel 178 to 180.
Date published: 24/09/1915
Killed in action: Yes
Date of death: 16/08/1915
Cemetery: Helles Memorial, Turkey
Information: Second Lieut. George Frederick Dobbin, who was killed in action at the Dardanelles on the 16th August last, within two days of his 21st birthday, was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Dobbin, 115 Morehampton Road, Dublin. He was educated at Strangways School and entered the Medical School, T.C.D., in 1912, where he was a member of the Officers' Training Corps. On the outbreak of the war he at once offered his services and obtained his commission in the Royal Irish Fusiliers in September last.