Lieutenant Charles Gage Stuart

Regiment: Royal Navy
Date published: 31/03/1916
Killed in action: No
Information: Lieutenant Charles Gage Stuart, R.N., was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross for meritorious service in connection with the sinking of the German cruiser Dresden, 14th March, 1915. Lieut. Stuart is a son of Mr. William Stuart, C.E., of Mount Earl, Ballymena, and a brother of Second-Lieutenant W. B. Stuart, of the 12th R.I.R. (Central Antrim Volunteers) and Second-Lieutenant L. I. Stuart, North Irish Horse. He is also a nephew of the late Rear-Admiral Leslie Stuart, C.M.G., and served with that officer on H.M.S. Vengeance on the China Station during the Russo-Japanese War. Lieut. Stuart's seniority dates from 1st April, 1909. When the war broke out he was serving in H.M.S. Glasgow on the South-East coast of South America. He was in the action with Von Spec's squadron off Coronel on 1st Nov., 1914, in which the Good Hope and Monmouth were sunk. Lieutenant Stuart had the satisfaction of taking part in the engagement off the Falklands on Dec. 8th, 1915, when the Glasgow assisted in sinking the German cruiser Leipzig.