Lieutenant John Stewart Moore Gage

Regiment: Inniskilling Fusiliers
Panel reference: Pier and Face 4 D and 5 B.
Date published: 23/11/1917
Killed in action: Yes
Date of death: 01/07/1917
Age at death: 23
Cemetery: Thiepval Memorial, Somme, France
Information: Lieutenant John Stewart Moore Gage, Inniskilling Fusiliers, who was reported missing on July 1st, 1917, and is now believed to have been killed on that date, was the son of the late Mr. Francis T. Gage and Mrs. Gage, Moyarget, Ballycastle, Co. Antrim, and was in his 24th year. He was educated at Rossall School, and subsequently went to Australia, but returned shortly before the outbreak of war and at once enlisted in the Despatch Riders' Corps. In January 1915, he received his commission in the Inniskilling Fusiliers, and was appointed Intelligence Officer to his battalion.