Second Lieutenant Reginald Charles William Belas

Regiment: Royal Dublin Fusiliers
Date published: 28/06/1918
Killed in action: Yes
Date of death: 21/03/1918
Cemetery: Unicorn Cemetery, Vendhuile, Aisne, France
Plot: I. D. 21.
Information: Second Lieutenant Reginald Charles William Belas, Royal Dublin Fusiliers, who was killed in action on March 21st 1918, was the younger son of the late Mr. C.W. Belas and Mrs. Belas, Addison Villas, Bath. He was educated at Corrig School, Kingstown. On the outbreak of war he returned from New York, giving up a good position, and after a period of training was gazetted to the Royal Dublin Fusiliers in February, 1917, He went to France in the following April, was shortly afterwards wounded, but on recovery returned to France, where he was killed whilst gallantly holding the line against tremendous odds.